I am often asked for recommendations on where to get the various products and services we write about here on the blog, so I have put together a few lists of recommended resources. This page does contain affiliate links, but please know that every product I recommend and every store I promote, I actively use myself, and should they give me reason to not continue to recommend them, I will remove them from the list.
I will add to this list as I come across new resources.
Flower Essences
Bach Flower Essences
Australian Bush Flower Essences
Californian Flower Essences (FES)
Alaskan Essences
Homeopathic Remedies & Cell Salts
Boiron Homeopathic Remedies
Hyland’s Homeopathic Remedies and Cell Salts
Ollois Lactose Free Homeopathic Remedies
Newton Homeopathics for Pets
Hydrosols, Essential Oils, Herbs, Carrier Oils, Clay
Mountain Rose Herbs
Large selection of organic ingredients and supplies. Lots of herbs, carrier oils, essential oils and hydrosols as well as spices, tea, extracts and tinctures, etc. Offer bulk discounts.
Wild Health Shop (UK) – Caroline Ingraham’s store. Essential oils, carrier oils, dried herbs, hydrosols, etc. Ships worldwide.
For more resources, also see our Good Reads page and our Recommended Blogging Tools & Resources
This page contains affiliate links and we will receive a small compensation if you make a purchase after clicking on the links.