We receive a LOT of questions about homeopathy for animals: which remedies to use for various conditions, how to give the remedies, and most of all, questions around preventing and treating Lyme disease. Shirley has very kindly been responding to many of your questions directly via email, but since some come up again and again, […]
Natural Tick Prevention and Lyme Disease Treatment Options
In my research on the best and safest preventive measure against Lyme disease, I’ve come to the conclusion that homeopathic Ledum is the best defense for dogs and humans alike. Below is a Q&A on Lyme disease treatment and prevention that should answer some questions and give you a better understanding of the whole picture. […]
Homeopathy’s Answer to Tick Diseases
Finding a tick on your dog can be very distressing, especially with all the tick diseases that are emerging – lyme, ehrlichia, and anasplasmosis to name a few. As a homeopathic consultant, I’ve received more than a few frantic calls from dog owners after they’ve discovered an engorged tick on their dog. I understand everyone’s […]
Amber Against Canine Ticks?
We live in the northeastern US and have a lot of ticks, even in the city. We used to put Frontline on our dog Sadie but stopped after a few summers because I didn’t like how she reacted to it. She would get very lethargic for a few days, wasn’t herself at all, and it […]