Today’s post is a reader question about healing crystals, in particular which ones to use with shelter dogs. Our experts weigh in on this subject, and also share a few other ways to help. Q: I’ve recently started working with crystal healing, mainly for myself. I work in an animal shelter, and am in charge of […]
Q&A: Dealing with Grief for both Humans and Animals
Our experts offer advice for how to help heal bereaved pets and people. We received a question from a reader asking for advice on how to deal with both her own and her dog’s grief. Our reader asked about crystals in particular, but many other complementary therapies can help as well, and since loss and […]
Book Review: Wild Health
As I mentioned in the post about my trip to England, one of the things that made me decide to study Applied Zoopharmacognosy was the book Wild Health by Cindy Engel. It is a fabulous collection of examples of how plants develop secondary metabolites (compounds that plants produce that are not needed for their immediate […]
Applied Zoopharmacognosy And My Trip To England
Happy fall everyone! I hope you had a fantastic summer with lots of fun stuff going on. I finally got to go home to Sweden to see friends and family – it had been 3 years since my last visit, so that was a big treat. And while I was there, I took the chance […]
Applied Zoopharmacognosy – Helping Domestic Animals Self-Medicate
Zoopharmacognosy is the scientific term for the fascinating way that animals self-medicate with the help of plants. The term was coined by biochemist Dr. Eloy Rodriguez, Professor at Cornell University, and anthropologist Richard Wrangham of Harvard, and comes from the Greek “zoo” (meaning animal), “pharmaco” (remedy) and “gnosy” (knowing). Animals in the wild have been […]
Alternative Healing Modalities
There are many ways to promote health, and most holistic animal health practitioners are trained in more than one technique. And while most of us turn to one or several therapies to fix a problem or cure an illness, these are all wonderful as preventative therapies as well. I think that we in the West […]