After we lost our dog Sadie to cancer earlier this fall, it seems like we hear from friends whose pets (and/or human family members) have been diagnosed with the disease every other day. I knew of course that cancer claims many victims among both humans and animals every year, but it seems like it’s getting […]
Cushing’s And Tong Ren – Our Experience
In October of 2009, our Scottie Sadie was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease. It was discovered by chance – she had her yearly checkup in early October and our vet found that she had an inflammation in her mouth and needed to have a few teeth removed. Her blood test showed elevated liver enzymes, which our […]
Tong Ren Energy Healing For Animals
I first heard about Tong Ren a few years ago, when a friend of mine went to a workshop with her Mother. There were many people there with stories of miraculous recovery from various serious illnesses thanks to Tong Ren, and if you look it up online, you’ll find thousands more. Not too long ago, […]
Alternative Healing Modalities
There are many ways to promote health, and most holistic animal health practitioners are trained in more than one technique. And while most of us turn to one or several therapies to fix a problem or cure an illness, these are all wonderful as preventative therapies as well. I think that we in the West […]