It’s difficult to keep track of what foods are considered healthy these days, isn’t it? It seems like one thing everyone can agree on is that whole foods just have to be good. Unadulterated, nutritious whole foods; foods that look like food, that come from where we live, that are raised without chemical and hormonal […]
Enhancing Feline Digestion with Acupressure
The feline is a natural predator and a protein obligate, that is, they must eat a high protein (meat-based) diet, which further explains why they have served humans since the days of the ancient Egyptians. Dining on mice gives a cat exactly the nutrition he needs including the small amount of grain from the rodents […]
Veterinary Nutrition: How To Choose The Right Food For Your Pet
We all know that eating right is extremely important, and consistently subsiding on a diet full of processed foods and saturated fat leads to a number of disorders and diseases. And it is just as important for our pets as it is for us, but with all the conflicting information out there, how do you […]
Alternative Cancer Treatments For Pets (And People) – What We Tried With Sadie
After we lost our dog Sadie to cancer earlier this fall, it seems like we hear from friends whose pets (and/or human family members) have been diagnosed with the disease every other day. I knew of course that cancer claims many victims among both humans and animals every year, but it seems like it’s getting […]