Today’s post is a reader question about healing crystals, in particular which ones to use with shelter dogs. Our experts weigh in on this subject, and also share a few other ways to help. Q: I’ve recently started working with crystal healing, mainly for myself. I work in an animal shelter, and am in charge of […]
Q&A: Dealing with Grief for both Humans and Animals
Our experts offer advice for how to help heal bereaved pets and people. We received a question from a reader asking for advice on how to deal with both her own and her dog’s grief. Our reader asked about crystals in particular, but many other complementary therapies can help as well, and since loss and […]
Natural Remedies for Shingles
A recent bout with shingles gave me an opportunity to both try out a variety of complementary medicine therapies and to set a few misconceptions straight. We had planned a long-awaited weekend getaway – a relaxing, rejuvenating few days on the beach in Rhode Island without phones and internet, badly needed after not taking a […]
Friday Links: Hot Cars, Prairie Dog Linguistics, and Rabbit Hydrotherapy
Summer is here! Not only on the calendar, but weather-wise as well, finally! I love the heat, but remember to never, ever leave your pets in the car this time of year; a car sitting in the sun gets deadly hot in a very short time (and leaving the windows a tad open does not […]
Applied Zoopharmacognosy And My Trip To England
Happy fall everyone! I hope you had a fantastic summer with lots of fun stuff going on. I finally got to go home to Sweden to see friends and family – it had been 3 years since my last visit, so that was a big treat. And while I was there, I took the chance […]
Gorgeous Guineas – Aromatherapy Skin Care For Guinea Pigs
Today’s post is an interview with (and case studies from) Reading-based (UK) Reiki Master / Teacher, human and animal Aromatherapist Chrissie Slade. Chrissie is the founder and owner of Gorgeous Guineas, the world’s first company to create aromatherapy products specifically developed for guinea pigs. Since March is Adopt a Guinea Pig month, I thought it […]