For the next few weeks, the Friday links posts will take a break while I am on vacation in Sweden, and have promised to stay away from my laptop as much as possible in order to spend more time with friends and family. Other posts will still be published, and Friday links will resume in mid-August. Happy summer everyone!
Dog “diagnoses” young volunteer with diabetes
Dreys Alert Dogs
Bird fights off rival, feels guilty and becomes foster parent for his chicks
The Telegraph
Do Elephants Have Souls?
I love elephants, they are such AMAZING animals. If you weren’t in awe of these impressive giants already, you will be after reading this excellent and very touching article that makes you go “wow” every 30 seconds, and read parts out loud to everyone. On a related note, poaching is getting out of hand and the population is dwindling with alarming speed. It is heartbreaking and horrific, and must be stopped before it’s too late.
The New Atlantis
Apiary Dog Sniffs out the bee disease American Foulbrood
ABC Australia
Cute Story of the Week: Bulldog Skateboard School
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