The shelters in New Zealand are as full of abandoned and rescued dogs as any shelter around the world, and sadly, not all dogs end up with new homes. The SPCA in New Zealand decided they had to do something out of the ordinary to catch peoples’ attention and show the public that shelter dogs are certainly not second grade citizens, less desirable or any less worthy of love and a permanent home than a puppy bought from a breeder.
And what they came up with is truly spectacular: they had the brilliant idea to teach a few of the dogs how to drive! They contacted famous animal psychologist and trainer Mark Vette who was happy to take on the challenge, selected three rescued dogs, and after seven weeks of training, progressing from learning to touch a mock gear shift, press a fake gas pedal and turning a steering wheel mounted on a “pretend car”, the dogs were able to take it to the road.
Watch, it’s amazing (and adorable):
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