You may remember, if you read my last post, that this month I am going to write about the similarities between healing and hearing animal communication. I am currently a student of The Healing Trust (or you may know them as the NFSH) and Zero Balancing and so I am immersed in the practice of healing in two distinctly different ways, yet there is a common link between them which is also shared when you are effectively receiving communication from animals.
As I enjoy finding my way with them both it becomes more and more clear to me that at the centre of these and communicating with animals intuitively there are some common threads that not only make healing and communication much more effective but they also make me (the healer/communicator) feel wonderful too!
So what are they? Take a moment and jot down your thoughts about it.
For me the following key things resonate strongly with me:
1. I must ground myself, still my thinking as much as I can and connect myself to a higher power, the all.
2. I must feel good, or better than good! I must be working through my own imbalances on an ongoing basis and finding my equilibrium.
3. I must fill myself with love and positive regard for ALL of the individual/s I am working with, including and especially myself. I must let go of beliefs and attitudes that create disharmony within myself for they ripple out into everything I do.
4. I must fill my heart with love and respect for all, unconditionally. I can act to make changes in others behaviours for the good of all but hating others will never lead to healing or true communication.
5. I must be in the present moment as much as I can, here and now, in all of my bodies, present and alert, yet relaxed and playful.
6. I must fill myself with positivity and trust the higher power, the higher order and know that there is MUCH that I do not know, will not understand and yet with an open and loving heart know I can hear/heal on very deep and profound level.
This space is a wondrous opening, where we are connected to all and our desire to find equilibrium is keenly felt by all we encounter, it feels great to their higher self. They have a deep desire to return to balance too, it is what we all want, as it feels SO good!
It is the space where our illusion of time disappears, where effortless flow is possible and where miracles happen. It is the ONLY way to allow balance. Anything else is not the truth of healing / hearing. Any agendas, separation, negativity, attachment to outcomes, mind-made controls lessen the effectiveness and we just can’t get into that state of flow and oneness.
In this space of peace and love everything returns to balance. Now this is not to be manipulated in our minds to say that we and another will stay alive forever, that goes against the laws of nature, death and dying is such a natural stage of the eternal cycle and it is only humanity that has forgotten this.
We need to remember this and focus our healing on allowing beautiful cycles of change to occur and to seek peace for all individuals we work with, this peace may take the form of transitioning into the non physical as well as the possibility of rebalancing and staying in their physical body a while longer.
We must also remember that there is so much more going on than we can ever know and that everyone is capable of returning to perfect balance. No one is dependent or a victim waiting to be saved or healed by us. How arrogant for us to believe that! What is truth however, is that in offering to others a vibration of peace and love, that their higher self will be encouraged and supported back to its natural state of balance and well being.
Finally, I believe that listening to others is a key part of healing, so for me animal communication is another modality of healing, equally valid, equally powerful and equally capable of achieving balance.
I’d love to hear your feelings, thoughts and ideas around this topic, so please do comment below. I also realise that this is a huge topic and I have merely scratched the surface so I am happy to share more with you about the reasons for my beliefs if you would like to ask me any questions in the comments box below.
Next month I will be talking with you about the importance of the collective consciousness of all species and how their messages for humanity are crucially important at this time in our evolution. Sending much love to you, Julie Lines. XxxxX