What do you think of when you think of a mirror? I immediately think of the mirror from the Harry Potter books. The mirror “Erised” which reflected what Harry most desired in life: to see his parents again. What a powerful gift that would be, but a mirror reflects the perfect image of the person […]
Flower Essences and Autism in Dogs – Case Study
This is the second part of the “flower essences and canine autism” mini-series. Make sure to also read the first part, “Treating Autism In Dogs With Flower Essences” by Caroline Thomas. Bibi’s Story By Dr Petra Dance I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback male, now 4 years old with Asperger’s-like symptoms. He is a highly intelligent […]
Interview with Animal Homeopath Shirley Moore – Part 2
We’re back with part 3 of the homeopathy series – the last half of my interview with animal homeopath Shirley where she gives us tips on how to give our pets homeopathic remedies, shares lots more great information, her favorite remedies to keep on hand, ways you can learn if you want to study homeopathy […]
Applied Zoopharmacognosy – Helping Domestic Animals Self-Medicate
Zoopharmacognosy is the scientific term for the fascinating way that animals self-medicate with the help of plants. The term was coined by biochemist Dr. Eloy Rodriguez, Professor at Cornell University, and anthropologist Richard Wrangham of Harvard, and comes from the Greek “zoo” (meaning animal), “pharmaco” (remedy) and “gnosy” (knowing). Animals in the wild have been […]
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
PEMF, Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy, is not a new invention. People started experimenting with using electrical currents on various conditions as far back as the 1700s, but it wasn’t until the 1950s that scientists seriously started researching electricity’s bone-healing properties. PEMF treatment on fractures in people begun in the 1970s, and today, it is approved […]
Equine Craniosacral Therapy
Today’s post is about Craniosacral therapy, a modality that I have been curious about for a long time, and just recently tried for myself. I grind my teeth in my sleep pretty badly, and wanted to see if Craniosacral therapy could help. At the time I’m writing this, I have been for 8 treatments, and […]
Cushing’s And Tong Ren – Our Experience
In October of 2009, our Scottie Sadie was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease. It was discovered by chance – she had her yearly checkup in early October and our vet found that she had an inflammation in her mouth and needed to have a few teeth removed. Her blood test showed elevated liver enzymes, which our […]
Massage Helps A Samoyed Get Back On His Feet And A PBGV With Epilepsy
I think many people don’t realize quite how powerful alternative therapies can be. Most people are aware that massage can help relieve stiff and sore muscles and loosen up scar tissue, but it can also be a tremendous help with many other conditions, both physical and psychological. We have talked about what massage is exactly earlier on […]
Healing Touch For Animals
Today’s featured therapy is Healing Touch for Animals, an energy healing modality which at first (and second) glance seems very similar to Reiki, but there are some differences between the two, as you will see further down in the post. What is Healing Touch for Animals? Healing Touch for Animals, or HTA, was created by […]
Tong Ren Energy Healing For Animals
I first heard about Tong Ren a few years ago, when a friend of mine went to a workshop with her Mother. There were many people there with stories of miraculous recovery from various serious illnesses thanks to Tong Ren, and if you look it up online, you’ll find thousands more. Not too long ago, […]